Approved SCE Summer Courses for UG Students

Registration opens on Monday, April 22nd 2024 at 9:00 AM in CyberFriar.

Summer I

ACC 203 0011079Financial AccountingACC 203
BIO 122 0011052Human BiologyBIO 122/Standard Natural Science
CHM 103 0011080General Chemistry ICHM 101
CHM 103L 0011081General Chemistry I LabCHM 101L
CHM 308 0011104Biochemistry FoundationsCHM 308/Not open to Chemistry or Biochemistry majors
CHM 223 0011082Organic Chemistry ICHM 201
CHM 223L 0011083Organic Chemistry I LabCHM 201L
CSC 120 0011054Applied Data AnalyticsCSC 120/Quantitative Reasoning
CSC 220 0011103Data Science FundamentalsCSC 220
ECN 101 0011084Principles of Economics: MicroECN 101/Social Science Core
ENG/BLS/AMS 265 0011085/1098/110020th C African-American LitENG/BLS/AMS 265/Diversity Core & Intensive Writing 2
ENG 301 0011090Writing GenresENG 301/Intensive Writing II
FIN 113 0011055Data Applications in BusinessFIN 113
FIN 207 0011086Managerial Finance IFIN 207
FIN 218 0011056Financial Markets/InstitutionsFIN 218/Civic Engagement
GST 101 0011057Introduction to Global StudiesGST 101/Civic Engagement
HIS 100 0011058Thinking & Writing Abt HistoryHIS 100/Intensive Writing I
HIS 345 0011059History Modern Middle EastHIS 345/Diversity & Intensive Writing II
HPM 101 0011050American Health Care SystemHPM 101
LAW 201 0011063General LawLAW 201/Free Elective
LDR 490 0011064ST: Leadership & CommunicationLDR 490/Free Elective
MKT 205 0011065Principles of MarketingMKT 205
MTH 108 0011066Math Business Analysis IIMTH 108/Quantitative Reasoning
MTH 109 0011087Calculus IMTH 109/Quantitative Reasoning
MTH 217 0011067Introduction to StatisticsMTH 217/Quantitative Reasoning
NSC 215 0011068Marine EcologyNSC 215/Standard Natural Science
PHL 101 0011069LogicPHL 101/Non-Ethics Philosophy Core
PHL 202 0011070General EthicsPHL 202/Ethics Core
PHL 207 0011091Philosophy of Human PersonPHL 207/Non-Ethics Philosophy Core
PHL 306 0011047Business EthicsPHL 306/Ethics Core
PHL 309 0011071Biomedical EthicsPHL 309/Ethics Core
PSY 264 0011072Child & Adolescent DevelopmentPSY 264
PSY 267 0011073Social PsychologyPSY 267
PSY 318 0011074Cultural PsychologyPSY 318/Diversity Core
SOC 301 0011051Sociology of the FamilySOC 301/Diversity & Social Science Core
SOC 305 0011075Race and RacismSOC 305/Diversity Core
TDF 201 0011076History Fashion and CostumingTDF 201
TDF 203 0011093Fundamentals Public SpeakingTDF 203/Oral Communication
THL 204 0011077Foundations:Engaging ScriptureTHL 204/ Theology 200 Level
THL 370 0011078Principles of Moral DecisionTHL 370/Theology 300 Level
THL 376 0011094Catholic Social ThoughtTHL 376/Theology 300 Level & Civic Engagement
THL 394 0011048Women & ChristianityTHL 394/Theology 300 Level
WGS 394 0011049Women & ChristianityWGS 394/Theology 300 Level

Summer II

ACC 204 0012028Managerial AccountingACC 204
CHM 104 0012031General Chemistry IICHM 102
CHM 104L 0012032General Chemistry II LabCHM 102L
CHM 224 0012033Organic Chemistry IICHM 222
CHM 224L 0012034Organic Chemistry II LabCHM 222L
ECN 102 0012035Prin of Economics: MacroECN 102/Social Science Core
ENG 101 0012036Writing SeminarENG 101/Intensive Writing I
LDR 490 0012038ST: Negotiations
MGT 374 0012037NegotiationsMGT 374
MTH 109 0012039Calculus IMTH 109/Quantitative Reasoning
MTH 110 0012040Calculus IIMTH 110/Quantitative Reasoning
PHL 317 0012041Philosophy of ReligionPHL 317/Non-Ethics Philosophy Core
PSC 101 0012043PoliticsPSC 101/Social Science & Civic Engagement
PSY 100 0012042Introduction to PsychologyPSY 100/Social Science Core
SOC 101 0012044Introductory SociologySOC 101/Social Science Core
TDF 101 0012054Theatre AppreciationTDF 101/Fine Arts Core
TDF 102 0012045Intro to Oral CommunicationTDF 102/Oral Communication
TDF 109 0012046Introduction to ActingTDF 109/Fine Arts Core & Oral Communication
THL 200 0012047Foundations: Faith, Life, TradTHL 200/Theology 200 Level
WGS 101 0012048Intro Women's & Gender StudiesWGS 101/Diversity Core

Office of the Registrar

1 Cunningham Square,
Providence, RI 02918, USA,
Harkins Hall 310

Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM.
During the Summer, Providence College Offices Close at 12:00 PM on Fridays.

Inquiries about transcripts, enrollment verifications, and grades:

Inquiries about course registration and scheduling of classroom space: