Summer Registration FAQ
Course Information
How can I find a course description?
Course descriptions can be found in CyberFriar and the Academic Catalog.
How do I learn whether a Summer Session course is still available?
Check CyberFriar for the most up-to-date information on course availability and current enrollments.
Can I take Summer Session courses online?
Many summer courses are online–some are asynchronous (ASN), meaning there are no real-time class meetings, while others are synchronous (SYNCH) with regularly scheduled class sessions meeting on Zoom. Please consult the CyberFriar schedule for course specifics.
How can I tell if a course fulfills a core requirement?
For details on approved core curriculum courses, please check out the Approved Core Curriculum Courses page. Additionally, you can use your DegreeWorks degree audit for more detailed information about your core and major requirements.
Will this Summer Session course count toward my GPA?
Will this Summer Session course appear on my transcript?
Who should I contact if I have questions about Summer Session course options?
If you have questions regarding your course options, you should contact your academic advisor or the Student Success Center (, 401.865.2495).
When does registration start?
Registration opens on April 23rd at 9:00 am in Cyberfriar.
When is the last day to enroll in Summer courses?
Summer registration remains open until a course begins. Please view the session dates in the Summer Academic Calendar.
How many Summer Session courses can I register for?
Students are encouraged to take no more than two courses in the summer term(s). If you wish to take more courses, please consult with your Academic Advisor or the Student Success Center.
I am not a Providence College student. Can I take a course during the Summer Session? How do I register?
If you are not a current PC student, you must first submit a Non-Degree student application prior to registering for any classes. After your application is processed, you will receive log-in credentials for Cyberfriar in order to register. If you are interested in a Pre-College Summer Program, please navigate to the Friar Foundations Program website.
Tuition and Refunds
How much do Summer courses cost?
SCE/Undergraduate summer courses cost $1314 per course. Additional information regarding billing may be found on the School of Continuing Education page on the Bursar’s Office website. Graduate courses vary in cost by program; please see the Graduate Programs Financial Information page for more information.
How do I pay my bill?
Once you have completed your Summer Session registration in Cyberfriar, click on Tuition & Fees. A popup box will appear with your tuition/fees for that registration. Click on Account Information at the top of the box to process your payment.
How do I receive a refund for a Summer course after dropping it?
Information about refunds for SCE/Undergraduate summer courses may be found on the School of Continuing Education page on the Bursar’s Office website. For Graduate summer courses, please see the Graduate Programs page.
Am I eligible for to receive a discount on the cost of Summer courses?
Certain groups of students, including alumni (25% for credit courses), clergy (25% for credit courses), and persons 65 and older ($100/course) are eligible for discounted courses.
How do I register for a Summer Internship course?
Please follow the process found in the Undergraduate Catalog and on the Chirico Career Center website.
Office of the Registrar
1 Cunningham Square,
Providence, RI 02918, USA,
Harkins Hall 310
Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM.
During the Summer, Providence College Offices Close at 12:00 PM on Fridays.
Inquiries about transcripts, enrollment verifications, and grades:
Inquiries about course registration and scheduling of classroom space: