Classroom Assignment Policy

The Office of the Registrar is responsible for assigning classroom space including computer labs, science labs, art studios, etc., for more than 1500 courses offered in the undergraduate and graduate schools as well as the School of Continuing Education each semester. In addition, room change requests and ad hoc room requests may be made by emailing

Faculty and Staff are able to submit Ad-Hoc requests at least one week prior to the event being held by logging into 25Live with their Providence College network credentials to complete an Event Request Form.

Faculty members are given the opportunity to state their specific building/classroom preferences and any required technologies when they submit their Classroom Needs Request Form for the upcoming semester. Faculty who complete the Classroom Needs Request Form by the given deadline, are given priority based on optimization of space and teaching/learning needs. General use classrooms are assigned based on the total number of courses being offered during a particular course series and the available instructional spaces at that time. These are instructional spaces that may be assigned to courses in any academic department/program at the discretion of the Office of the Registrar. Every effort is made to meet the needs of each faculty member.

Room assignments are made based on the following criteria. The first three generally have the greatest impact upon classroom assignments, especially when space is limited.

1. Accommodation of disabilities. Classes must be scheduled in specific rooms because either the instructor or a student who is registered in the class requires a particular space to accommodate a disability.

2. Enrollment/Capacity. In order to gain maximum utilization of classroom space, classes are scheduled in rooms based on the current enrollment of the class with some allowance given for additional registrations. Example: if the faculty member’s first room choice has a seating capacity that is significantly larger than the current enrollment for the class, the class may be scheduled elsewhere in a smaller comparable room.

3. Room configurations. There are several classroom styles: traditional classroom setting with individual student desks, tables and chairs, seminar seating, tiered seating, flexible seating, and computer labs with individual work stations. When possible, classes are assigned to rooms that can provide the desired room configuration and/or flexibility.

4. Equipment needs. Some classes require special equipment and room amenities – technology, boards, etc., that may be available only in particular rooms.

5. Faculty member’s schedule. When faculty members are scheduled to teach back-to-back classes, every effort is made to keep those classes in the same room/building or in a room/building that is in close proximity. However, there may be times when courses meet, particularly during peak series, that this may not be possible.

Once all classroom assignments have been made, the Office of the Registrar reviews and analyzes the entire slate of classroom assignments prior to the start of the semester. This is to ensure that the best possible match is made with regard to course schedules, classroom size, and required resources.

Faculty members are asked not to relocate a class without first consulting with the Office of the Registrar. Should a situation arise where a class must be moved out of its assigned room, faculty should notify the Office of the Registrar immediately at

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Office of the Registrar

1 Cunningham Square,
Providence, RI 02918, USA,
Harkins Hall 310

Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM.
During the Summer, Providence College Offices Close at 12:00 PM on Fridays.

Inquiries about transcripts, enrollment verifications, and grades:

Inquiries about course registration and scheduling of classroom space: