Textbook Information

FRIAR FIRST DAY Textbook Rental Program is a customized textbook rental program for all full-time, undergraduate students. Course materials in the FRIAR FIRST DAY Textbook Rental Program can contain printed and digital materials. Student orders may contain a combination of new, used, rental, and digital materials based on each student’s class schedule.

This program was implemented by Providence College to create greater cost savings and convenience for students. Students will never see a charge for their required course materials while they are active and enrolled at the College. Students can choose to either pick up their order at the Bookstore or to have their order shipped to them. All “rented” textbooks must be returned back to the Bookstore at the end of the semester.

For all other students, a listing of required and/or optional textbooks for courses is made available via the College’s bookstore website: Providence BN College in compliance with the federal Higher Education Act (2008). Students are free to choose where they purchase course materials. As good practice, students should carefully evaluate all suppliers of course materials, including their refund policies and shipping charges.

Faculty are asked to submit textbook information to the College bookstore as materials are identified and retain the right to change book orders at any time. If textbooks are not listed two weeks prior to the start of classes, students should contact the instructor directly. It is recommended that students check the Providence College bookstore website prior to the start of the semester for any changes to course materials.

Office of the Registrar

1 Cunningham Square,
Providence, RI 02918, USA,
Harkins Hall 310

Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM.
During the Summer, Providence College Offices Close at 12:00 PM on Fridays.

Inquiries about transcripts, enrollment verifications, and grades: records@providence.edu

Inquiries about course registration and scheduling of classroom space: scheduling@providence.edu